Sr. Embedded Software Engineer
During my thesis, I gave some talks to present my research work in several International Conferences (including IEEE APS/URSI). My bibliography is made of 23 references.
International Journals 

 Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Inverse Scattering with Experimental Data
P. Lobel, R. Kleinman, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, Vol. 38, No 3, pp. 48--51, June 1996. Invited paper. 
 A new regularization scheme for inverse scattering
P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, Ch. Pichot, and M. Barlaud 
Inverse Problems Vol. 13, No 2, pp. 403-410, April 1997. 
Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with Edge-Preserving Regularization for Image Reconstruction from Ipswich Data for Mystery objects 
P. Lobel, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, Vol. 38, No 3, pp. 48--51, June 1996 Invited paper..
Microwave Imaging : Reconstructions from Experimental Data using Conjugate Gradient and Enhancement by Edge-Preserving  
P. Lobel, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
International Journal of Imaging System and Technology Vol. 8, pp. 337-342, 1997 Invited paper. 
Microwave Inverse Scattering: Quantitative Reconstruction of Complex Permittivity for Different Applications 
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, C. Dourthe, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
IEICE Trans. on Electronics Vol. E80-C, No. 11, November 1997 Invited paper.
Papers published in books 

 Inversion algorithms for microwave imaging using different modalities and for various applications
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, C. Dourthe, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
Proceedings of the 1st EMSL Workshop (1996). Space Application Institute, ATU-JRC, Ispra, Italy, EUR 17326 EN, pp. 75-85, 1997 Invited paper.
Gradient and Newton-Kantorovich Methods for Microwave Tomography 
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, M. Barlaud, Kamal Belkebir, J.M. Elissalt, and J.M. Geffrin 
Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing, H.W. Engl, A.K. Louis, W. Rundell (eds.), Springer-Verlag Publisher (Wien New York), 
pp. 168-187, 1997. Communication invitée.
International Conferences 

 A Fast Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithm in the 2-D Wavelet Transform Doma
L. Blanc-Féraud, P. Charbonnier, P. Lobel, and M. Barlaud 
In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, volume V, pages 305--308, Adelaide, South Australia, April 1994. 
 Different Spatial Iterative Methods For Microwave Inverse Scattering
P. Lobel, R. Kleinman, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In Digest USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, page 344, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 1995. 
 Object reconstruction From Far-Field data Using Gradient and Gauss-Newton Type Methods
P. Lobel, R. Kleinman, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In Digest USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, page 233, Newport Beach, California, USA, June 1995. Article invité. 
Gradient Method For Solving Non Linear Inverse Scattering In Microwave Tomography
P. Lobel, R. Kleinman, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS'95), page 742, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 1995. University of Washington. 
Microwave Inverse Scattering: Quantitative Reconstruction of Complex Permittivity for Different Applications 
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, C. Dourthe, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS'96), page 355, Innsbruck, Austria, 8-12 July 1996. Article invité. 
Conjugate Gradient Algorithm with Edge-Preserving Regularization for Image Reconstruction from Experimental Data
P. Lobel, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In IEEE AP-S International Symposium, vol. 1, pp. 644--647, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, July 21th-26th, 1996. Article invité. 
 Regularized Inversion Algorithms for Microwave Imaging
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In XXVth General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI), page 74, Lille, France, August 28th - September 5th 1996. Article invité. . 
Microwave Imaging : Reconstructions from Experimental Data using Conjugate Gradient and Enhancement by Edge-Preserving  
P. Lobel, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In International Conference on Imaging and Image Processing Technology Published in a special issue of the International Journal of Imaging System  
and Technology [4]. Article invité.
Regularized inversion algorithms for microwave imaging 
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In the International Society for Analysis, Applications and Computing (ISAAC) Congress, Delaware, Massachussetts, USA, June 2-6, 1997. Article invité. 
Iterative Regularized Algorithms for Quantitative Imaging in Microwave Tomography : the Conjugate Gradient and the Modified  
P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, Ch. Pichot, and M. Barlaud 
In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS'97), page 729, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA, July 7-11, 1997. Article invité.  
Image Reconstruction from the 1997 Ipswich Data using Conjugate Gradient Algorithm enhanced with Edge-Preserving Regularization 
P. Lobel, Ch. Pichot, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In IEEE AP-S International Symposium, page 159, Montréal, Canada, July 13th-18th, 1997. Article invité. 
 Gauss-Newton and Gradient Methods for Microwave Tomography
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, Kamal Belkebir, J.M. Elissalt, and J.M. Geffrin 
In Meetings at Oberwolfach on Inverse Problems in Medical Imaging and Nondestructive Testing, Oberwolfach, Germany, February 1996. Article invité. 
Inversion algorithms for microwave imaging using different modalities and for various applications 
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, C. Dourthe, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In 1st EMSL workshop, Space Application Institute, ATU-JRC, Ispra, Italy, 1996. 
Published in Proc. of the European Commission, Vol. EUR-17326EN, 1997. Article invité..
Quantitative microwave reconstructions algorithms for buried or non-buried objects 
Ch. Pichot, P. Lobel, C. Dourthe, L. Blanc-Féraud, and M. Barlaud 
In IIIème Séminaire International sur les Problèmes Inverses, Clermont Ferrand, France, (3-5 Juin 1997). Article invité. 
Research reports 

Reconstruction Tomographique dans le Domaine de la Transformée en Ondelettes bidimensionnelle
P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, P. Charbonnier, and M. Barlaud
Research Note 93-60, Laboratoire Informatique Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, October 1993 
Technical Development for an Edge-Preserving Regularization Method in Inverse Scattering
P. Lobel, L. Blanc-Féraud, Ch. Pichot, and M. Barlaud 
Research Note 95-73, Laboratoire Informatique Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis, December 1995